Congo Airways
- 3,500 hours Total Flight Time
- 1,500 hours on the A320 family
- Date of last flight on type within 6 months at the date of commencing assignment
- A valid ICAO ATPL
- A valid Class 1 Medical
- Minimum ICAO level 4 ELP (English Language Proficiency)
- Candidates must have basic knowledge of French (ATC)
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details ici.
- 3,000 hours Total Flight Time
- 1,000 hours PIC on the Dash 8Q400
- Date of last flight on type within 6 months at the date of commencing assignment
- A valid ICAO ATPL
- A valid Class 1 Medical
- Minimum ICAO level 4 ELP (English Language Proficiency)
- Candidates must have basic knowledge of French (ATC)
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details ici.
- 1,500 hours Total Flight Time
- 500 hours on the Dash 8 Q400
- Date of last flight on type within 6 months at the date of commencing assignment
- A valid ICAO ATPL
- A valid Class 1 Medical
- Minimum ICAO level 4 ELP (English Language Proficiency)
- Candidates must have basic knowledge of French (ATC)
je suis candidat au poste proposé
Manassé Kabeya kalubi